[Infographic] Customer satisfaction: the key to a successful project

9 out of 10 customers are satisfied with the services provided by Sinteo, including 37% who are very satisfied. This is the result of the satisfaction survey carried out among our customers this autumn.
Annual measurement
We are committed to a transparent and responsible relationship with our customers. With this in mind, we have measured our customers' satisfaction in a survey carried out at the end of 2023. The aim is to assess our customers' expectations and needs,identify the strengths we can maintain and target our areas for improvement.
Key points from the 2023 survey
- 89% of customers recognize the expertise of Sinteo employees
- 90% satisfied with the quality of sales proposals and 88% with the quality of deliverables
- 90% of customers surveyed are satisfied with value for money
- Sinteo is seen as a leader in sustainable construction and innovation by 9 out of 10 customers.
Each barometer is the subject of a concrete action plan to improve the least satisfactory points.
Our priority actions to meet their expectations even more effectively are to continue innovating and to further strengthen our responsiveness and communication.
Discover the survey results in an infographic
See you at the end of the year for our new survey!