BREEAM certification as a guarantee of quality and comfort for future Macif teams
Guided by Macif's flexibility and usage constraints, we are piloting BREEAM certification for renovation.
At the heart of the Aix ecosystem
In a vast tertiary park adjoining a natural area, a redevelopment project was undertaken as a green spaces project manager to encourage permeability and the opening up of Nature right up to the foot of the buildings.
33 Artois - A peaceful atmosphere close to the Champs-Elysées
To design acoustic environments in keeping with the prestige of the premises, our team first assessed the performance of the masonry preserved during a building diagnosis.
Malesherbes - Renovation of a Haussmann building
We translate the client's expectations into an ambitious acoustic program focused on occupant comfort.
User-friendly rehabilitation
User comfort and building connectivity are at the heart of this renovation project.
Geothermal storage and extraction in Aubervilliers
We are managing the energy strategy for this building complex comprising a hotel and an office building.
Sustaining the ambitions of renovation in operation
After more than 4 years of total renovation, one of Montreuil's iconic downtown buildings will begin its new life in 2020.
A Socially Responsible Investment management tool applied to real estate
/ A Socially Responsible Investment management tool applied to real estate / > THE PROJECT Implementation and monitoring of an SRI policy for a heterogeneous real estate portfolio > OUR MISSION Consulting and development of an SRI reporting tool > PROJECT MANAGEMENT > KEY FIGURES 100% of assets tracked in the dedicated SRI reporting tool [...].
Ywood Docks Libres, winner of the first BBCA Awards
We carried out a 50-year LCA analysis of the building. The 9 standardized indicators enabled us to identify the site's specific features.
Low-carbon housing in Velizy
/ Low-carbon housing in Velizy / > THE PROJECT Construction of 2 apartment buildings > SA PERFORMANCE BBCA, Effinergie +, Wood structure > OUR MISSION Carbon engineering, Thermal and Fluid engineering, BBCA project management > CONTRACTORS > Laisné Roussel Architectes > KEY FIGURES 5,300 m² of housing, 260 m² of office space, [...] > KEY FIGURES